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Here I list the graphical experiments I have worked on.


I have had some fun experimenting with Raymarching. It's an incredibly elegant technique that I like a lot. You can see 3 short Demos I have done with it using Raylib below.

=> Pulsating Raymarched Spheres
=> Raymarched Mandelbulb
=> Voxelised Raymarch operations

Doom Style fire

On the PS1, Doom had an incredibly inspiring introduction sequence with fire rising from the blackness and the classic icon of DOOM rising above the flames. Upon reaching its zenith, the fire shut off, and the Music hit full force. It was one of those introductions that send shivers down my spine.

=> See the explanation here
=> See the video here

CPU-based line of sight "fog of war" effect

This was an effect similar to Teleglitch. I am to this day unsure of how I would accomplish this on the GPU. You can see an explanation and video of it below.

=> How I made a fluid fog of war system