YANChan.xyz is an imageboard for discussion of a bunch of topics. For now topics include, art, videos, games, technology and random.
It is available on the large web at YANChan.xyz
=> https://yanchan.xyzWhy is it a thing?
Facebook, twitter and most forums are like-based. This brings about issues of content circulation being algorithm-based and often reinforces uniform agreement and echochambers.
Some forums, and imageboards are bump-based. This means things that see a bunch of discussion are seen more. This means both, agreement isn't needed. In addition imageboards are anonymous by default with opt-in verifiable identities. This promotes discussion on touchy topics, and makes criticism easier to dish out without any significant fear of censorship other than by platform owners(myself).
The issue imageboards suffer from is at scale, they become shocking and provocative as that is what gets discussion. At a small scale for a small community these issues aren't present.
The issues forums also face is down to a lack of anonymity. In convincing a person of an argument, the ethos, pathos and logos are to be considered. Logos being the logical reasoning. Pathos being the emotional string-tugging, and ethos being the credibility and reputation of a person. Forums are commonly filled with pathos and ethos-based arguments, as arguments are easily attributed to a person, so emotions are at risk, and credibility and reputation is also at risk.
As such, I deem the best social media solution is a bump-based system at a small scale.
Go hang out and make some posts if you want. :^)
EDIT: I have since closed this site down, since it wasn't used much