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Exporting lots of aseprite files

I made a quick video showcasing Aseprite's exporting capabilities and talking about how I batch export a lot of .aseprite files. I mainly use this so I can touch up sprites then just run it so I don't have to open each file manually to export it. As such, probably useful to game developers, particularly in connecting the programmer and artist sides of the development coin better(So a programmer doesn't have to reimport files, and an artist doesn't need a developer to update pictures).

=> I made a video to go with this.

Published on 2020/01/03

Articles from blogs I follow around the net

So you want to compete with or replace open source

We are living through an interesting moment in source-available software.1 The open source movement has always had, and continues to have, a solid grounding in grassroots programmers building tools for themselves and forming communities around them. Some loo…

via Drew DeVault's blog July 16, 2024

Inside the Super Nintendo cartridges

via Fabien Sanglard April 21, 2024

Community Spotlight: Pikmin Archives

Pikmin Archives is a group dedicated to collecting developer notes and promossional material on the Pikmin series of games.

via Data Horde February 20, 2024

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