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Pausing development on Quiver

Hi. I'm pausing development on my game Quiver for some time. There's a possibility I will return to it to continue working on it. The reasoning behind why I am pausing my work on this is because I want to study, learn and work about some other "stuff". I will list what this "stuff" is now.

- Using C with the SDL2 Library to make basic 2D game engines.

- Using C with OpenGL3 to make basic 3D game engines.

- Using Qodot, Trenchbroom and Godot to make 3D games.

- Ctag, an ncurses music tagger

- University studies beginning soon

This is a fair quantity and variety of "stuff". A person may ask why I am taking an interest to C when it comes to games development. The reasoning is that it is exceptionally portable, and avoids the pitfalls I feel with Java's Object Orientated Programming. I may adapt to use C++ instead of C at some point but we will see if I do. It is unlikely the first 2 points will manifest into anything I can show in a short period of time. This will also give me a significant appreciation for game engine development, as opposed to game development. The 3rd I may or may not have something to show on that as well, it ultimately depends on how reasonable Godot is as a 3D game engine.

It's unlikely I'll say when I return to work on Quiver, but if I choose not to, I will write a post-mortem and likely release the source code and assets for it on GitHub.

Published on 2020/08/30

Articles from blogs I follow around the net

smuggler's books

via I'm not really Stanley Lieber. March 22, 2025

Please stop externalizing your costs directly into my face

This blog post is expressing personal experiences and opinions and doesn’t reflect any official policies of SourceHut. Over the past few months, instead of working on our priorities at SourceHut, I have spent anywhere from 20-100% of my time in any given wee…

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