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Fully replaced with gemini

Hi all reading this. I have fully replaced my HTTP website with its Gemini equivalent. I still use my normal Stylesheets, but what you will read on this site is now almost perfectly mirrored with the Gemini site(except for the plaintext being a little bit obtuse due to using HTML). I have also got a mini-log thing, where I will post small logs or updates. I still need to think through how to set up my RSS feeds. I will probably set one up for the blog and one for the mini log. I may also include a log for the UTC News archive, but I am not sure if I will or not yet. I say that because the shell scripting for that is messy. It works!... but it's messy.

I may do a video or two on Gemini. How to set up your Gemini Pod... Client options... how to mirror it to HTTP as well. I have included a link so you can see how I went about porting it to HTML. It's really just a script looping over all files, and awking the hell out of it. These scripts are licensed under MIT License... so go nuts. Cheers for sharing them in the Gemini Mailing List Martin.

I am also considering doing some tutorial videos on Godot. Mainly videos where the purpose is breadth and speed. We shall see though.

Ultimately, I am very happy with this new system I have created. Pretty much as I said before, I only need to set up an RSS system. I think the way I may do it, is just to write a script which puts it at the top of the RSS feed... Perhaps... We shall see.

=> Here is the source for how I ported it.

Published on 2021/02/01

Articles from blogs I follow around the net

So you want to compete with or replace open source

We are living through an interesting moment in source-available software.1 The open source movement has always had, and continues to have, a solid grounding in grassroots programmers building tools for themselves and forming communities around them. Some loo…

via Drew DeVault's blog July 16, 2024


pt. i pt. ii

via I'm not really Stanley Lieber. June 28, 2024

Inside the Super Nintendo cartridges

via Fabien Sanglard April 21, 2024

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