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RisingThumb's Blog
Proudly featuring 118 posts!
- 2024/12/23A brief writing on maintaining informed ignorance
- 2024/12/15Year in review of my gaming in 2024
- 2024/11/02Exploration of what has impacted me as a youth
- 2024/10/18An overview of the book publishing process which may serve as a good introduction to other new authors
- 2024/08/01Brief exploration of a common quote and the idea of all works being their autobiographies
- 2024/07/23A lament about the state of England
- 2024/06/13An exploration of Computers as sensory deprivation and a negative emotional flux
- 2024/05/02A final look and some brief attached thoughts at all the submissions for this month
- 2024/04/06Running Roundup of IndieWeb Carnival of April
- 2024/04/06Just some brief thoughts on game design and what makes for an elegant design
- 2024/03/30Announcing the theme for the IndieWeb Carnival in April
- 2024/03/27A brief explanation of why Serifs are so useful and the issues arising from avoiding them
- 2024/03/26A sequence of thoughts on Egalitarianism defending it against strawman arguments.
- 2024/03/26A brief examination at determinism and free will and faith and probability
- 2024/03/20An exploration of what creating a website has done for me
- 2024/03/18A discussion on the topic of forums and social media of all forms... and how they lead to no work and how their users speak with little value often enough.
- 2024/03/12A black box is one where you can only understand it by looking at the inputs and the outputs.
- 2024/03/12A brief exploration of how Reinventing the Wheel is a deeply offensive and insulting phrase
- 2024/03/09A brief description of how a question wastes my time and disrespects me and is incredibly poor etiquette.
- 2024/03/08An exploration of the combinatoric explosions in games and how interesting they are
- 2024/03/04How do you approach understanding the universe- by a broken system? By a broken compass? By faith alone?
- 2024/03/03Regarding the phrase "dude you are not an expert"- where I point out how inconsistent and bad this phrase is for the person saying it.
- 2024/03/03Regarding masters of a field and how they are often dysgenic or insane- and rarely able to reproduce
- 2024/02/07Three arguments. One pointing a contradiction between the Trinity and Omnipotence. One pointing out the scripture on the categorisation of Sin. One on the assertion of the Trinity being Blasphemy, following the prior two.
- 2024/02/01A transcript detailing the many heads of the Hydra that is Feminism, and all the evils contained within.
- 2024/01/31The question of why Philosophy is not useful to most people stands up and deserves to be examined
- 2024/01/30or does Weakness corrupt?
- 2024/01/28Several truths regarding Success
- 2024/01/22Black Wind Books Site opened and points on further improvement
- 2023/12/21With Yuletide beginning, hail unto thee Yule Father!
- 2023/12/11A discussion about the Prussian Education System, how it is terrible for creative and great men, and how it is beneficial for normal people- creativity and its issues, and how it selects for feminine mindsets.
- 2023/12/03An overview of Grand Strategy, as a quality of those greatest men- of the Übermensch and those various heroes.
- 2023/11/27Exploring the mind of Nietzsche, we establish what Nihilism is, that Nietzsche was not a Nihilist, and that his philosophy revolves around addressing the abyss and lack of values that would be present in the upcoming century as Nihilism would explode.
- 2023/11/22A discussion talking about how the intention-behaviour gap exists, relating it to the Pareto Principle, relating to Nietzschean "My Virtue", questioning accountability and saying it is a specific case of the value-action gap and what that means.
- 2023/11/21Discussing the biggest demon that follows Stoics around wherever they go.
- 2023/11/17A brief exploration of Nostalgia, demonised and romanticised- its relation to childhood, its relation to weakness and hardness and its dualism with Novelty
- 2023/11/05A stream of consciousness exploring why I write
- 2023/11/05A discussion about convenience and how it is a symptom of the sicknesses seen in both the western and eastern world
- 2023/10/29The long unsent letter, addressed to a friend, regarding the nature of friendship
- 2023/09/20An exploration of deficiency, how it relates to aesthetics, how it relates to parasites, the dionysian and apollonian man, and how Pale Criminals are symptomatic of this Dominance.
- 2023/09/16Hotlinking, what it is, why to avoid it, when to avoid it.
- 2023/09/12Understanding your issues, by what they are not. Understanding your wants as an origin. Understanding the wants of herd and ego.
- 2023/08/22Discussing how death creates a colossal burden upon people, and how freely people live until death confronts them
- 2023/08/18All great people Read. All great people write. All great people are literate... or are they?
- 2023/08/15A brief exploration of language, the modal 'Could' and the decay of Wills
- 2023/05/03Exploring the Christian notion of the Triptartite(not trinity!) and how it is life-denying
- 2023/05/03A short ramble on the topic of the Übermensch
- 2023/04/30On the limitations of the Categorical Imperative and Jesus Christ's Golden Rule
- 2023/03/09Talking about personal qualities in myself, my diet goals and my exercise goals
- 2022/11/16A discussion of Academic science and its problems facing a replicability crisis. Note: Date unknown, moved from Articles.
- 2022/11/03Detailed book report containing quotes, points I wanted to research and new vocabulary and an essay
- 2022/10/25Tools for notetaking. Note: Moved from Articles, original publish date unknown.
- 2022/10/19Showing off Pman, a small utility script I wrote to view man pages in a pdf viewer. Note this develops on the article A brief overview of Pass, and the original publish date is unknown.
- 2022/10/06A brief overview of Pass, the password manager I use on my home Computer. Note: Date of this is unknown, moved from the Articles page.
- 2022/10/05German Romanticism as aesthetic and life affirming way to live
- 2022/10/03Sharing 60 Second Dungeon, a game made for the Ludum Dare 51 game jam.
- 2022/06/12Discussing the issues that Elden Ring has
- 2022/06/08On how field archery is a more skillful and entertaining sport than Olympic archery
- 2022/05/21Asking what people live for?
- 2022/02/09Listing the games I should play in 2022
- 2021/09/17Heroic activists target cheapskates confusing them as alt-right folks, becoming villains
- 2021/08/17Immutable data left behind by Americans resulting in damage for Afghan allies
- 2021/08/07A neat discovery that you can print pdf files with netcat
- 2021/07/09Discussing how using huge datasets can be used to launder licenses and wash away AGPLv3 restrictions
- 2021/05/20Review of Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart on Linux
- 2021/05/11An exploration of the problems of Online Communities
- 2021/04/23Announcing an imageboard I hosted. Since closed.
- 2021/04/23Discussing the issues of a Proof of work algorithm
- 2021/04/15Just an update that I have a tech portfolio
- 2021/04/08Discussing issues of the modern web and how website sizes are absurd
- 2021/04/05RSS functionality back on the site
- 2021/03/28Discussing how Stallman is an idiot and persecuted for devil's advocacy
- 2021/03/12Review of Loop Hero on Linux
- 2021/03/11Review of NERTS! Online on Linux
- 2021/03/10About advertising technologies being used to target and murder people
- 2021/03/07Review of Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
- 2021/03/04The Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma and its consequences for cooperation
- 2021/03/03Review of DOOM 2 on Linux
- 2021/03/03A review of common browser choices
- 2021/03/01Discussing the artistic style of Impressionism as it relates to Games
- 2021/02/28Review of HROT on Linux
- 2021/02/28Discussing how 2007 is a good candidate as the point where technology got 'worse'
- 2021/02/20An archival project to prevent UTC News falling to the wayside, and to preserve the wiki
- 2021/02/18Discussing how I added a stories page to my website
- 2021/02/18How I use Tmux with multiple panes and sessions
- 2021/02/01Discussing how I changed my site to use Gemini and gemtext as its backbone
- 2021/01/16Discussing a video I made on the subject of Gemini
- 2021/01/05Happy New year!
- 2021/01/01Discussing website and software accessibility
- 2021/01/01Improving the site for mobile users
- 2021/01/01Discussing how I have set up a Git Server
- 2021/01/01Discussing Gemini briefly
- 2021/01/01Discussing how the Blog is mirrored on Gemini
- 2020/09/20Why? And how why corrodes will.
- 2020/08/30Quiver Version 0.3 Release
- 2020/08/30Pausing development on Quivet and reasons why
- 2020/08/28Changelog, plan 4
- 2020/08/22How I achieved that Fluid Fog of War effect in Quiver
- 2020/08/15Change log and .plan file for the 3rd week of development and 0.2 release
- 2020/08/05Change log and .plan file for the 2nd week of development
- 2020/07/28Change log and .plan file for the week of development
- 2020/05/18Discussing my move to Arch Linux using LARBS
- 2020/01/16Discussing a slight remake of the website
- 2020/01/15Discussing future website plans
- 2020/01/14Discussions on a competition causing a DOS attack on Github issues
- 2020/01/13Discussions on the project of The Empire Archival
- 2020/01/12Adding a page about my linux setup
- 2020/01/11An archival project to prevent UTC News falling to the wayside, and to preserve the wiki
- 2020/01/10But you already knew that already
- 2020/01/09New Website Look
- 2020/01/08A modification of the site, and a randomised banner for the main page
- 2020/01/07Discussing my own 4chan imageless board viewer, and a first version of my game Bermuda Glitch
- 2020/01/06Musings about how great gopher is
- 2020/01/05Adding Git Repositories
- 2020/01/04Writing a bash script to work with git log and make it more readable.
- 2020/01/03A video and a discussion on how I exported lots of Aseprite Files
- 2020/01/02Musings about setting up git repos, gnu stow, and video uploads.
- 2020/01/01Brief musings on setting up Email and Taskwarrior on Linux
Articles from blogs I follow around the net
FOSDEM '25 protest
Last week, I wrote to object to Jack Dorsey and his company, Block, Inc., being accepted as main track speakers at FOSDEM, and proposed a protest action in response. FOSDEM issued a statement about our plans on Thursday. Today, I have some updates for you reg…
via Drew DeVault's blog January 20, 2025reblog - Moments of Introspection: Fun With AI: Cute Doggies
Moments of Introspection: Fun With AI: Cute Doggies: I am starting to get into creating graphics with AI. The following doggies, I created with Idyllic . I was trying to get a god that is simi...:::Feed:::
via Filozofia September 24, 2024Generated by openring