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RisingThumb's Blog
Proudly featuring 118 posts!
- 2024/12/23A brief writing on maintaining informed ignorance
- 2024/12/15Year in review of my gaming in 2024
- 2024/11/02Exploration of what has impacted me as a youth
- 2024/10/18An overview of the book publishing process which may serve as a good introduction to other new authors
- 2024/08/01Brief exploration of a common quote and the idea of all works being their autobiographies
- 2024/07/23A lament about the state of England
- 2024/06/13An exploration of Computers as sensory deprivation and a negative emotional flux
- 2024/05/02A final look and some brief attached thoughts at all the submissions for this month
- 2024/04/06Running Roundup of IndieWeb Carnival of April
- 2024/04/06Just some brief thoughts on game design and what makes for an elegant design
- 2024/03/30Announcing the theme for the IndieWeb Carnival in April
- 2024/03/27A brief explanation of why Serifs are so useful and the issues arising from avoiding them
- 2024/03/26A sequence of thoughts on Egalitarianism defending it against strawman arguments.
- 2024/03/26A brief examination at determinism and free will and faith and probability
- 2024/03/20An exploration of what creating a website has done for me
- 2024/03/18A discussion on the topic of forums and social media of all forms... and how they lead to no work and how their users speak with little value often enough.
- 2024/03/12A black box is one where you can only understand it by looking at the inputs and the outputs.
- 2024/03/12A brief exploration of how Reinventing the Wheel is a deeply offensive and insulting phrase
- 2024/03/09A brief description of how a question wastes my time and disrespects me and is incredibly poor etiquette.
- 2024/03/08An exploration of the combinatoric explosions in games and how interesting they are
- 2024/03/04How do you approach understanding the universe- by a broken system? By a broken compass? By faith alone?
- 2024/03/03Regarding the phrase "dude you are not an expert"- where I point out how inconsistent and bad this phrase is for the person saying it.
- 2024/03/03Regarding masters of a field and how they are often dysgenic or insane- and rarely able to reproduce
- 2024/02/07Three arguments. One pointing a contradiction between the Trinity and Omnipotence. One pointing out the scripture on the categorisation of Sin. One on the assertion of the Trinity being Blasphemy, following the prior two.
- 2024/02/01A transcript detailing the many heads of the Hydra that is Feminism, and all the evils contained within.
- 2024/01/31The question of why Philosophy is not useful to most people stands up and deserves to be examined
- 2024/01/30or does Weakness corrupt?
- 2024/01/28Several truths regarding Success
- 2024/01/22Black Wind Books Site opened and points on further improvement
- 2023/12/21With Yuletide beginning, hail unto thee Yule Father!
- 2023/12/11A discussion about the Prussian Education System, how it is terrible for creative and great men, and how it is beneficial for normal people- creativity and its issues, and how it selects for feminine mindsets.
- 2023/12/03An overview of Grand Strategy, as a quality of those greatest men- of the Übermensch and those various heroes.
- 2023/11/27Exploring the mind of Nietzsche, we establish what Nihilism is, that Nietzsche was not a Nihilist, and that his philosophy revolves around addressing the abyss and lack of values that would be present in the upcoming century as Nihilism would explode.
- 2023/11/22A discussion talking about how the intention-behaviour gap exists, relating it to the Pareto Principle, relating to Nietzschean "My Virtue", questioning accountability and saying it is a specific case of the value-action gap and what that means.
- 2023/11/21Discussing the biggest demon that follows Stoics around wherever they go.
- 2023/11/17A brief exploration of Nostalgia, demonised and romanticised- its relation to childhood, its relation to weakness and hardness and its dualism with Novelty
- 2023/11/05A stream of consciousness exploring why I write
- 2023/11/05A discussion about convenience and how it is a symptom of the sicknesses seen in both the western and eastern world
- 2023/10/29The long unsent letter, addressed to a friend, regarding the nature of friendship
- 2023/09/20An exploration of deficiency, how it relates to aesthetics, how it relates to parasites, the dionysian and apollonian man, and how Pale Criminals are symptomatic of this Dominance.
- 2023/09/16Hotlinking, what it is, why to avoid it, when to avoid it.
- 2023/09/12Understanding your issues, by what they are not. Understanding your wants as an origin. Understanding the wants of herd and ego.
- 2023/08/22Discussing how death creates a colossal burden upon people, and how freely people live until death confronts them
- 2023/08/18All great people Read. All great people write. All great people are literate... or are they?
- 2023/08/15A brief exploration of language, the modal 'Could' and the decay of Wills
- 2023/05/03Exploring the Christian notion of the Triptartite(not trinity!) and how it is life-denying
- 2023/05/03A short ramble on the topic of the Übermensch
- 2023/04/30On the limitations of the Categorical Imperative and Jesus Christ's Golden Rule
- 2023/03/09Talking about personal qualities in myself, my diet goals and my exercise goals
- 2022/11/16A discussion of Academic science and its problems facing a replicability crisis. Note: Date unknown, moved from Articles.
- 2022/11/03Detailed book report containing quotes, points I wanted to research and new vocabulary and an essay
- 2022/10/25Tools for notetaking. Note: Moved from Articles, original publish date unknown.
- 2022/10/19Showing off Pman, a small utility script I wrote to view man pages in a pdf viewer. Note this develops on the article A brief overview of Pass, and the original publish date is unknown.
- 2022/10/06A brief overview of Pass, the password manager I use on my home Computer. Note: Date of this is unknown, moved from the Articles page.
- 2022/10/05German Romanticism as aesthetic and life affirming way to live
- 2022/10/03Sharing 60 Second Dungeon, a game made for the Ludum Dare 51 game jam.
- 2022/06/12Discussing the issues that Elden Ring has
- 2022/06/08On how field archery is a more skillful and entertaining sport than Olympic archery
- 2022/05/21Asking what people live for?
- 2022/02/09Listing the games I should play in 2022
- 2021/09/17Heroic activists target cheapskates confusing them as alt-right folks, becoming villains
- 2021/08/17Immutable data left behind by Americans resulting in damage for Afghan allies
- 2021/08/07A neat discovery that you can print pdf files with netcat
- 2021/07/09Discussing how using huge datasets can be used to launder licenses and wash away AGPLv3 restrictions
- 2021/05/20Review of Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart on Linux
- 2021/05/11An exploration of the problems of Online Communities
- 2021/04/23Announcing an imageboard I hosted. Since closed.
- 2021/04/23Discussing the issues of a Proof of work algorithm
- 2021/04/15Just an update that I have a tech portfolio
- 2021/04/08Discussing issues of the modern web and how website sizes are absurd
- 2021/04/05RSS functionality back on the site
- 2021/03/28Discussing how Stallman is an idiot and persecuted for devil's advocacy
- 2021/03/12Review of Loop Hero on Linux
- 2021/03/11Review of NERTS! Online on Linux
- 2021/03/10About advertising technologies being used to target and murder people
- 2021/03/07Review of Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
- 2021/03/04The Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma and its consequences for cooperation
- 2021/03/03Review of DOOM 2 on Linux
- 2021/03/03A review of common browser choices
- 2021/03/01Discussing the artistic style of Impressionism as it relates to Games
- 2021/02/28Review of HROT on Linux
- 2021/02/28Discussing how 2007 is a good candidate as the point where technology got 'worse'
- 2021/02/20An archival project to prevent UTC News falling to the wayside, and to preserve the wiki
- 2021/02/18Discussing how I added a stories page to my website
- 2021/02/18How I use Tmux with multiple panes and sessions
- 2021/02/01Discussing how I changed my site to use Gemini and gemtext as its backbone
- 2021/01/16Discussing a video I made on the subject of Gemini
- 2021/01/05Happy New year!
- 2021/01/01Discussing website and software accessibility
- 2021/01/01Improving the site for mobile users
- 2021/01/01Discussing how I have set up a Git Server
- 2021/01/01Discussing Gemini briefly
- 2021/01/01Discussing how the Blog is mirrored on Gemini
- 2020/09/20Why? And how why corrodes will.
- 2020/08/30Quiver Version 0.3 Release
- 2020/08/30Pausing development on Quivet and reasons why
- 2020/08/28Changelog, plan 4
- 2020/08/22How I achieved that Fluid Fog of War effect in Quiver
- 2020/08/15Change log and .plan file for the 3rd week of development and 0.2 release
- 2020/08/05Change log and .plan file for the 2nd week of development
- 2020/07/28Change log and .plan file for the week of development
- 2020/05/18Discussing my move to Arch Linux using LARBS
- 2020/01/16Discussing a slight remake of the website
- 2020/01/15Discussing future website plans
- 2020/01/14Discussions on a competition causing a DOS attack on Github issues
- 2020/01/13Discussions on the project of The Empire Archival
- 2020/01/12Adding a page about my linux setup
- 2020/01/11An archival project to prevent UTC News falling to the wayside, and to preserve the wiki
- 2020/01/10But you already knew that already
- 2020/01/09New Website Look
- 2020/01/08A modification of the site, and a randomised banner for the main page
- 2020/01/07Discussing my own 4chan imageless board viewer, and a first version of my game Bermuda Glitch
- 2020/01/06Musings about how great gopher is
- 2020/01/05Adding Git Repositories
- 2020/01/04Writing a bash script to work with git log and make it more readable.
- 2020/01/03A video and a discussion on how I exported lots of Aseprite Files
- 2020/01/02Musings about setting up git repos, gnu stow, and video uploads.
- 2020/01/01Brief musings on setting up Email and Taskwarrior on Linux
Articles from blogs I follow around the net
Please stop externalizing your costs directly into my face
This blog post is expressing personal experiences and opinions and doesn’t reflect any official policies of SourceHut. Over the past few months, instead of working on our priorities at SourceHut, I have spent anywhere from 20-100% of my time in any given wee…
via Drew DeVault's blog March 17, 2025Generated by openring